[05/08/2024]......created website
[05/11/2024]......finally figured out how tf the music player worked
[05/13/2024]......added chat feature, fixed music player mistakes, polished home page
[05/14/2024]......created "about me" page
[05/15/2024]......created "updates" page, learned how to map an image, spent an embarrasing amount of time trying to use full resolution drawing for "shrines," gave up
[05/16/2024]......finished "shrines" page
[05/17/2024]......finished "shrine index," began working on "library," statuscafe account verified, embedded statuscafe link, learned it wont show up for a couple months since im a new neocities user T_T (thats what the emty box below is btw, honestly im just leaving it RAHH)
[05/23/2024]......added some stuff to the library, moved crap around in "about me" for webrings, brainstormed some other configuration ideas, began work on credits/resources
[05/24/2024]......saved a shit ton of graphics for future use, got my first chat message !!!!
[05/25/2024]......saved EVEN MORE GRAPHICS
[05/26/2024 - 06/18/2024]......ACCIDENTALLY TOOK A MINI HIATUS ERM...life got rlly busy my b i plan on prioritizing this site at LEAST once a week from now on...SORRY LOLZ (if ur curious.....i got a job and started sum classes and forgor...)
[to do]......fully hash out updates, yap central, individual shrines, library, art junk, credits/resources pages, kin list, probs more, ur mom